
So here we are.. Day 5. I will say for us it’s been different but yet the same. We had a bandage change today and Beau decided he was going to help change his bandaid.. Can we say heart attack.. LOL. But it looks good. And we don’t have to go back until Thursday or Friday.

Side note: we have 3 crazy dogs.. Dog 1 is Beau who is a former proud member of the chicken chasing club(we got him from my friend when he decided that he loved her mom’s chickens)

Dog 2 is Batman who showed up at our house and we tried to find his home but now his home is ours. He got his name because we tried several names and the only 2 he would respond to was Buttface or Batman so.. Batman it was..

And we were done with dogs until Theo.

Theo was my rescue dog. He had a great mom but she was in a no win situation and needed to find a safe home for him so… Welcome to the fold.. His name originally was D.O.G but we were at a Lions game and in honor of Theo Riddick.. (Go Irish) Theo it was..

During all the craziness with Beau, Theo got an abscess on his cheek so we had not 1 dog at the vet but 2.. Only us.. So my drive to the vet today was Theo on my lap, rolling my windows down and Beau trying to take off his sock that was in place of the wrap.. Than we get to the vet and of course a  delivery guy was there so Beau did his best pirate impersonation..

I am the entertainment at the vets.. But I love all this craziness that is my life.. I was meant to have these dogs. I was meant to be Beau’s mom.. There will be challenges and not every day will be a great day but in all of my madness at the end of the night when I have him and the other 2 all over me on the couch and I can’t move my first thought is that there’s no place like home and I didn’t even have to click my heels.
